Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

One year and fifteen weeks post operaton

No change this week in my weight, which is good news. 
I have had some lovely food this week too.  I was out to lunch on Sunday with an Australian friend and then on Monday had home made beef casserole when a friend came to lunch followed by a fruit crumble which he brought with him with whole cream poured over. 
Today I have eaten one of the two rabbit pies with puff pastry which I made this afternoon - I haven't eaten rabbit for years and it was absolutely delicious.  With the little piece of puff pastry left over I made a small raspberry jam filled tart, which was also very good with cream.

This damp and grey weather we have been having lately makes me dream of casseroles and pastry covered pies.  I feel as if I need something sturdy and hot to keep me going through the day. 
I have though also had salad and on Saturday I bought a crab which was cooked for me by the fishmonger while I did the rest of my shopping.  I mixed a third of it with Hellman's mayo and chilli paste and had it with salad from my polytunnel and lovely fresh French bread.
A friend gave me a large portion of pumpkin which I shall be turning into soup after roasting it with garlic, onions, carrots and sage.  I do like to add cream too, but obviously I don't have to.  While I am trying not to lose more weight luckily I can indulge myself in these treats which will have to be more restricted after my revision.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

One year and fourteen weeks post operation

I weighed in this morning at 71.5kgs/157½lbs/11st3½lbs, so am remaining pretty much the same at the moment, but I am eating a lot of food.  I am always ready for something to eat, presumably because the diarrhoea is rushing the food I eat through me and it doesn't satisfy me.  Hopefully when I have the bypass revision this will no longer be the case.
I saw the vasculaire surgeon yesterday and he has booked me in for removing the large vein in my right leg along with some small ones for 23 November.  I will have to wear support stockings for three weeks and walk for a minimum of half an hour a day from the day after the operation.  A nurse will come to the house daily for a few weeks to give me anti-coagulant jabs.  Hopefully it will all go well. 
At the beginning of October I went back to Cornwall for a week and seemed to spend a lot of it eating out; the first three days saw me lunching in three different restaurants and my last lunch in England was spent at a riverside restaurant.  I rarely eat out here in Brittany, so it was lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed it all.  As well as seeing the family, I visited a few friends and my old surgery where the staff were surprised and pleased, once they recognised me, to find how much weight I'd lost.  It still amazes me that people don't recognise me in this new shape.
Shopping for clothes was interesting with having to buy smaller sizes than when in England in July and I even got properly measured for a bra in M&S.  It's strange not knowing what size I am when I start shopping, though I seem to be mainly size 16 in tops, sometimes 14 and size 18 in the two pairs of trousers which I bought. 
One really good thing - I managed to get my sewing machine mended while I was in Cornwall and will now be able to alter clothes that I want to keep but which are currently too large.