Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Thirty-nine weeks post op - one day off nine months

I missed posting last week as I was back in Cornwall, England and couldn't weigh on my scales.  I prefer to keep to one set of scales as they all vary so much.

It was good to sit in the reclining seats on the ferry from Roscoff to Plymouth and be able to sit right back in the chair.  Previously I have had to sit on the front edge of the chair as the arms made it impossible to get my bulky body to the back of the seat.  I had a lovely hot chocolate and a baguette sandwich with ham, cheese, lettuce and sundried tomatoes and finished a Jodi Picault novel I was reading.

I had a lot of food while in England.  It's difficult when I'm faced with lots of things I miss when I'm in France, and I tend to eat lots of different things in a day to experience it all. However, in spite of that, I did lose over these two weeks and this morning I weighed in at 85.5 kilos/13 stones 6.5 pounds/188.5pounds  which means I've now lost  57.6kilos/9 stone 1 pound.  I still can't quite believe it!

Yesterday I started taking a probiotic called Align which I ordered from the United States,  I have no idea if it will do any good, it was very expensive especially with the customs duty I had to pay on the medication, but it may be worth it if it helps at all with this diarrhoea problem.

One good thing about seeing friends in Cornwall was that they were all pleased to see how much weight I'd lost and it was great to have all the compliments.  It was my 65th birthday on Thursday while I was there and I had a lovely lunch, and a good evening ten pin bowling and Chinese takeaway later with friends and family.  I haven't been ten pin bowling since 1996 as I couldn't bend and didn't have the energy.  in the evening, with seven of us playing, I came second to the winner, my daughter, in the second game - almost a champion!

I also went shopping for smaller clothes for the first time since my operation on 18 July.  It was a strange experience to buy from the normal female rails as my clothes for years have been from the XXL men's section - an experience I will happily get used to.  

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