Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Friday 15 July 2011

I should have been operated on today

I’m feeling quite nervous today, perhaps it’s because it should have been operation day for me.  It would have all been over by now and I would have been back in my room.  I know the delay is only three days, but three days seem to go very slowly when you're waiting for something.  I hadn’t arranged to do anything or see anyone as I wasn't going to be around and I’d just finished my book, so was at a loose end.

I sat in the garden for a while and then came back in and watched an old episode of Waking the Dead which I'd recorded.  This afternoon we had a bit of rain, luckily my washing had dried by then.  

Sorting out my stuff for packing yesterday brought home to me for the second time recently just how tatty some of my clothes are, particularly my underwear.  I had originally thought the bypass would be sooner, and kept putting off buy new things until after the operation.  In the end, it was much longer than I had expected and I really did need new clothes.   Still, I won't by buying anything new for ages, as I have loads of clothes, apart from trousers, which will fit me as I go down through the sizes.  I may treat myself to a few things when I go back to England in October for my daughter's birthday.  Finding suitable clothes in Brittany doesn't seem as easy as going to shops that I am familiar with in Cornwall.

The first time I was aware of my underwear shortfalls was on Monday when I had to visit the Pharmacist to tell him about not having received my prescription for made-to-measure surgical stockings for my hospital stay.  He said he'd measure me anyway and I could take the prescription in later or he'd get the hospital to fax him one.  We went into this little enclosed space where he knelt on the floor at the same level as my knickers in order to take loads of different measurement on each leg for these bespoke stockings.  As I removed my trousers, I couldn't remember which pants I had on and couldn't see because of my huge stomach overhang.  It was only when I got home that I could see that there was a 2"/5cm strip of elastic which had parted from the top of my knickers.  Embarrassing?  Yes!  This must have been why my mother always told me I had to have decent underwear on when I went out!

I don't feel I have much to say and I'm feeling a bit negative today, so rather than rambling on for the sake of it, I'll finish here. 

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