Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Friday 8 July 2011

"Last Supper" Lunch with friends

Yesterday I started to clear out my fridge.  I had two chickens which I'd cooked the day before, so I stripped them of their meat and bagged it for blitzing into soup when I am allowed soup with blitzed meat.  I made stock from the carcasses and froze that alongside the bags of chicken meat. 

I also cooked some of the beetroot from my veggie plot.  I ate a plateful and chopped and froze the rest, also for soups later. 
My list for things to take with me into hospital is growing daily.  It’s difficult not knowing exactly how long I will be staying.  When I asked the surgeon’s secretary she said “Une petite semaine” – a little week!  I asked what a little week was and she said 5-6 days.  I see on the list I’ve just found, of questions I asked the last time I saw the surgeon that I’ve written 3-7 days, so obviously not possible to know really.  I hope it’s three days as I have real problems with my back in the beds.  Although, like mine at home, they’re adjustable, I can never quite get it right and always end up on painkillers, not for my medical condition but for the pain in my lower back.  Moan, moan, moan – I know - but there’s nothing worse than all pain and no sleep.

When Libby, my daughter, was here in Brittany at Easter, she sorted into sizes my huge collection of t-shirts.  This morning I was using stain remover to get some grease out of a t-shirt and after I’d put it in the washing machine, I thought, I didn’t really need to do that, I could just throw it away as I’ll soon be out of these huge t-shirts.  Strange concept – that I shall definitely be into a different size clothes within three months – good, but quite hard to get my head around.

Today, I met twelve other members of my Bowls Club for a lunch at Relais du Lac at Caurel. 

It was suggested by two of the members once I had told them about my operation date having finally been given to me.  It was a bit like a “last supper”.  We had a good lunch and lots of chat and laughter.  My starter of prawns disappeared very easily and the chicken in a cider and cream sauce with chips went the same way.

Desert was a blackcurrant and a strawberry sorbet and coffee.  I really enjoyed the lunch and the support of the other members, and especially that they paid for me!  

They're a good bunch of people - thank you if you're reading this. 

Just managed to drive home before the rain started pouring down.   When I got home I was asked what I was having for tea?  Not a lot I think after my lovely lunch - the portions were not small. 

This time next week I will have had my operation - butterflies in the tummy!  

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