Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Twenty week weigh in

Well, another week with no weight loss - no weight gain either - but no loss - so I'm still 108.6kg.   It is disappointing but I wonder if it's because I'm changing what I eat. 

I am now managing to eat a little protein, meat and egg.  I've had bacon, egg, a little chicken and some roast pork.  We are talking very small quantities here, but it must make  difference I suppose.  I am still not having any dairy at all.  Since I stopped dairy products I find I am able to eat a better choice of foods, I can't explain why, but it's good.  Also I have had three very good days, but the rest still see me in the loo on and off all morning.

I see Dr le Chaux tomorrow afternoon and will put my questions to him then.

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