Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Rendezvous with surgeon

I had an appointment with Dr Le Chaux at 15.00 hours this afternoon.  I told him about my inability and reluctance to eat anything at all, trouble with medication and toothbrush in my mouth.  He said that these months were the worst always and that come six months things will have improved!  I do hope so, another three months of this seem a hell of a long time to wait.

He was concerned about my blood pressure being low as I wasn't eating very much, but when he took it there was no problem, 135 over 75.  He gave me prescriptions for Surgiline, the vitamins and Inexium.  He also gave me a prescription for a nurse to take blood for various tests in the next week.

He said it might be interesting to try to have a series of appointments with an English speaking therapist, but felt that things would be ok in another three months, as above.

I have another appointment with him on 7 December and I have to have yet another lot of blood tests for that appointment too. 

Next Wednesday it's the dietician I have to see, but I can't see the point really.

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