Diagram of Operation

Diagram of Operation
My new tummy arrangement after gastric mini bypass

Wednesday 24 August 2011

First Post Op Visit to Surgeon

I had a reasonable night's sleep and feel fairly good this morning, I think the best I've felt so far.  This is good news as I had to drive to St Brieuc this afternoon to see Dr Le Chaux in his outpatient clinic. 

Andy picked huge quantities of cherry tomatoes from the polytunnel yesterday and I started to take out the stalks with a view to cooking them, but found I have no garlic so will have to wait until I come back from the hospital.  I cook them with sugar, garlic, vinegar, salt and pepper.  Then I blend them and then pass them through a seive.  The resulting gorgeousness I freeze until I need to use for a sauce or a soup - frequently I eat lots of it before it gets to the freezer because it's so delicious.

He also picked the runner beans which have been far too long on the vines.  I prepared the ones which were tender enough to eat and the rest have been despatched to the compost heap.  It was necessary to pick them all so that the vines continue to produce more beans.

I had most of a boiled egg with bread and butter for breakfast and sat outside with a hot chocolate drink a bit later in the sunshine.  For the first time I didn't sit under the parasol - usually it's just too much having the heat on me, but this morning it was ok.  Things are looking up because I'm a total sunworshipper.  I still have to avoid sun on my parathyroidectomy scar, but I just wear a silk scarf tied round my neck.

Went to the hospital and waited for over an hour while one patient saw Dr Le Chaux, then it was my turn.  He asked loads of questions and so did I.  He seemed happy with my health, progress and weight loss.  Gave me a prescription for six lots of medication including Vitamin D, Imodium, Inexium etc. etc. and an appointment for 7 December.  He reckons I should be losing about 10kg/22lbs/1st 8lbs a month for the six months post op.  He seemed a little surprised about the vomiting which I experienced and with my shitting yellow liquid, but included Imodium in the prescription.  It seems to be a little better today anyway.

I've definitely felt better/stronger today - my best day so far post op.

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